Introducing a 12-Month Manifesting Experience (that involves travel!):
The Manifesting Traveler is a year-long manifesting journey using astrological energies you create through travel. The goal is simple, to provide the optimal energies for you to manifest what you desire within the year.
Welcome! My name is Dr. Irene Blinston, and I'm so excited you're interested in learning more about "The Manifesting Traveler"!!
Who is this for?
The manifesting Traveler is geared towards women entrepreneurs (although men have jumped on board as well), but really, it is for anyone who is serious about what they want to bring into their life.
For example:
D. B. went to Honolulu, Hawaii to heal her heart and manifest love in her life.
S. L. went to Portofino, Italy to manifest increased psychic ability and greater sacred wisdom.
L. B. went to Pensacola, Florida to manifest success in the launch of her new online business.
S. M. went to Hilo, Hawaii to manifest good health.
Why is being a Manifesting Traveler important?
- You step into your power
- You awaken your inner creatrix
- "You" are making things happen
- You relax in the knowing that the planetary energies are working for you
- You become a co-creator with the Universe
- You open up to new possibilities
- You follow your passion
Is there something that you have wanted in your life, but haven't achieved it yet?
...something to do with relationships, such as
- calling in love
- more romance in your current relationship
- the strength to leave a relationship that is not good for you
- an amicable divorce
...something to do with career/profession, such as
- get that promotion/uplevel your business
- start that business you've dreamed of
- the courage to leave that soul-sucking job
- let go of a dying business
...something to do with money, such as
- get that raise/increase your fees
- find the perfect investments
- the courage to invest your money
- the strength to let go of depending on others
Or, maybe you want to manifest more travel 😉
"Our essential nature is one of pure potentiality." ~ Deepak Chopra
To be a manifesting traveler there are a few requirements. Read on...
Do you love to travel?
(It's hard to believe that someone wouldn't! Right?)
Do you use the manifesting power of the Law of Attraction?
(I hope so!)
Do you believe there's power in them there planets?
(Look at the tremendous power of the Moon on the tides and how a solar flare can really mess with things here on Mother Earth. Seriously!)
If you answered, "Yes" to the questions above, then you are in the right place, and you a are prime candidate for The Manifesting Traveler!!
What better way to attract your desires than to combine travel with the law of attraction to supercharge your manifesting power?!
You may be asking, "What is The Manifesting Traveler?"
The Manifesting Traveler combines travel, the Law of Attraction, a special kind of astrology, and coaching (to keep you focused on the prize—what you want to manifest)!
...more details about this further down the page.
Oh, and did I mention it's FUN?!
So let's break down who's a good fit to be a Manifesting Traveler!
A Manifesting Traveler is...
- Someone who loves to travel
- Someone who loves any excuse to travel 😉
- Someone who believes in the Law of Attraction
- Someone who knows there is something more at work than meets the eye in our big solar system
- Someone who travels on purpose (to manifest something they desire)
Who knew that jumping on a plane or hopping in your car and setting off to a special location could transform your year in miraculous ways? ~ A. F.
Last year was fantastic! I started getting listings right off the bat, and I was making sales left and right. I even sold a house before I left for a three-week trip to Africa, and the escrow closed when I got back.
I didn’t work for over three months last year, because I was traveling (because I could!), and I still won an award for my sales volume!
I’m a believer!
Renee Whitman, Realtor "Results Without Issues"
First Team - Southern California
"The work you do is a blessing." ~ L. M.
What this is, and how it works...
The "power of the planets"...
Each year, the sun returns to the exact position it was in at the moment of your birth. This event is called a Solar Return.
The Solar Return occurs around your birthday. Usually it is either the day before, the day of, or the day after your birthday. A special chart, similar to a natal or birth chart, is prepared for the moment of the event.
This Solar Return chart shows the planetary energies and potentials available to you for the coming year.
These energies and potentials last from your current birthday to your next birthday.
One of the most exciting aspects of the Solar Return is your ability to manipulate the placements of the planets within the wheel of your Solar Return chart. This is the only area in astrology in which you have an inkling of control of where the planets fall within the horoscope wheel!
"No pessimist ever discovered the secret of the stars, or sailed to an uncharted land, or opened a new doorway to the human spirit." ~ Helen Keller
The "Law of Attraction"...
The Solar Return chart, interpreted with the perspective of Positive Astrology, provides planetary potentials available throughout your year.
Positive Astrology is a form of astrology that I developed. It is the marriage of Western astrology, positive psychology, and the law of attraction. It's the astrology of optimists!
With the Positive Astrology perspective, all planetary placements provide a number of manifesting energies. We are at choice to use them or not.
However, if they are not directed, the energy will manifest something on its own (like it or not) or the opportunity will pass you by. Naturally, I am an advocate for harnessing and using those manifesting energies for what you desire in your life!
If you don't control the stars, they will control you.
And, here's the Travel part...
Changing the chart is accomplished by making sure you are at a specific geographical location (the right longitude and latitude) at the moment your Solar Return takes place. This is where I weave my magic. I find those special places, those energetic power centers specific for you and what you want to manifest.
As with Positive Astrology, the Solar Return is the stuff of miracles. And, you are the miracle maker when YOU CREATE the potentials available to you.
When you use the Solar Return, you step into your power. You don't wait for your future to happen, YOU MAKE your future happen. The Solar Return helps your manifesting abilities, and it helps you be the creator you are!
You become, in essence, a Manifesting Traveler.
Thank you! Found out on my birthday that the book is pre-orderable on Amazon & BN. Auspicious already. And Mendocino was fantastic. We toasted you for prompting it.
~ W. S.
For my Solar Return, Dr. Blinston created several charts until she found the perfect place for me to be on my birthday—Salisbury, England.
The trip, from start to finish, was pure magic. Everything flowed effortlessly and everyone with whom I interacted on the trip seemed to have been placed on my path to offer me a gift. I am still basking in blessings of the trip.
Deb Barnett, Ph.D.
Holistic, Integrative Counseling and Coaching
Asheville, NC USA
"So, I have great news—I'm pregnant!
. . . yeah, after trying for two years!" ~ A. V.
"This stuff really works." ~ J. C.
In the Beginning...
In the 1990s, when I was first learning to calculate a Solar Return chart, I wasn't aware of its actual power. I saw it as a fun excuse to travel. (What can I say? I love to travel 🙂 ).
In addition, when it came to traveling to my destination, I didn’t take into consideration the importance of leaving at least a day or two before the Solar Return, in order to arrive at my destination on time. I learned the hard way on my first few trips.
For example, I planned to have my Solar Return take place in London one year, but due to a massive flight delay, I actually had my Solar Return take place somewhere over Southeast Texas! Oops! We were in the air flying and I was trying to figure out where we were, and the longitude and latitude at that spot at that moment. Yikes!
Needless to say, my plans did not work out as I had them laid out when I started that trip.
If at first you do not succeed, try, try again...
My next endeavor was to have my Solar Return take place at Stonehenge in England. My flight was again delayed for hours. I planned for the delays, so even though I arrived late to Salisbury, it still worked out. I was starting to get the hang of the process!
Strengthening my expertise and working WITH the Solar Return energy...
My Solar Return work was substantially enhanced when, in the early 2000s, I was in my doctoral program (Ph.D. in transpersonal psychology). That’s when I really started working with the Solar Return in order to manifest my desires.
I began stating a focused intention when my Solar Return moment arrived, or first thing on waking in the morning if that moment was in the middle of the night. And, that's when the miracles started happening—crazy stuff happening out of the blue.
Solar Return intention: Venture capital—other people's money to fund a new business I wanted to start.
Went to a party the day of my Solar Return. At that party, I chatted with a man who asked about my plans post-doc. I simply shared my business idea with him, and told him I would need funding to get it going.
BOOM! he offered to fund my business!
Solar Return intention: Help with my book proposal, so it would be picked up by an agent to sell to a publishing house.
Within a couple of weeks of my Solar Return, I went to hear a man speak about writing a book for traditional publishing.
BOOM! at the end of the talk he came up to me and offered to help me polish my book proposal. BTW, he was a former editor for Ballantine Books!
Solar Return intention: More recognition in my field.
BOOM! Within the year, I get a call from a documentary producer who wanted to feature me among some of the heavy-hitter, big names in the transpersonal psychology field.
BOOM! I get an email from book editors in Portugal who wanted me to contribute to their book.
BOOM! I am unexpectedly invited to teach a day of a big name's workshop at the Omega Institute!
As you can see, this was pretty darn amazing! And, as you can see, it took me years to perfect this process.
Offering the service to others...
I started offering the service to my clients and saw how some really amazing things were happening for them as well!
I also saw that some people were not being as successful in their manifestations, and that the reason was due to them not taking action (a little avoidance, anyone?).
FULL DISCLOSURE → I have been guilty of this myself. (Hey, I'm human)
When we are set to manifest something very big, perhaps outside our unconscious comfort zone, we will often sabotage our efforts.
This is often done by conveniently forgetting all about that crazy Solar Return, or sharing our plans with the most notoriously negative dream slayer.
That is why I created the Manifesting Traveler package—a year-long process that provides the support needed, using my coaching, and/or astrological guidance, to keep you working towards your exciting, and sometimes scary, desire.
"I always appreciate our connection and your wisdom and expertise. I already have my plane and hotel reservations!" ~ L. B.
Would love to shout out to Irene Blinston with her awesome skills as an astrologer and CMMS practitioner Coach with full understanding of how the archetypes rock, I had a solar return session with her. She said, “Can you go anywhere?” I replied, “why not.”
We worked out where best on the globe to set an intention for my year ahead based on the power around at the time of my birth (my birthday). So, I ended up choosing Hawaii, where she worked out my goals were most aligned. It felt really authentic and spiritual for me to attract these goals using the qualities she pointed out innate in my chart and within me.
I paid for the trip straight away, and within a week of paying for the trip got an invite to speak (that was one of the goals, to speak globally) in Queenstown, New Zealand—before I had even left. I was then invited to speak in San Diego at the 1000 Speakers Academy (with keynote speakers like Loral Langmeier etc, and lil ol’ me)!
I also turned down the opportunity to speak in Hawaii, just a couple of days later from my whirlwind trip to S.D. due to family and jet lag.
Be careful what you wish for!
Jen Cudmore
Entrepreneur Alignment International
"We did go to Lake Tahoe. I did a special intention ritual before going to sleep. Thanks, again, for your excellent work." ~ S. S.
Here's what’s in the package:
2 Sessions (each 30 to 90 minutes)
- Our 1st session together is for clarity on what you want to manifest (this session is on a Monday or Tuesday, probably Tuesday or Wednesday in Australia)
- (After your 1st session is when I spin my magic. I go over the world map, plotting out the best locations, those with the highest energy potential to add major mojo to manifesting your desires)
- Our 2nd session together is for learning about the best locations (this session is on the Thursday or Friday of the same week of the 1st session, probably Friday or Saturday in Australia)
Bonuses include:
- Two astrological, business, or money coaching/guidance sessions of 30-45 minutes each, to be used anytime during the the 12 months of your Solar Return (I want to make sure you’re taking advantage of the potentials you created as well as anything else you want to manifest)
- Email access
- Checking up to 2 alternative locations (If you have locations you’d like to visit)
~ Jen Cudmore, Entrepreneur Alignment International
If The Manifesting Traveler calls to you, let's chat or give me a call at 828-367-7276 (I'm in the United States)
It has been so exciting for me to help my clients become Manifesting Travelers!
I'd love to help you manifest your desires as well!
Magic and Miracles ♥,
Irene Blinston, Ph.D.
Midwife to Miracles, Liberator of Dreams, Maker of Magic
(certified Money and Business Coach and Positive Astrologer)
P.S. If you are really drawn to this, please use the link below to book a time for us to chat. In our chat, I can get to know more about you and what you wish to manifest, and answer any questions you might have.
P.P.S. You can also give me a call: 828-367-7276 (I'm in the United States).
P.P.P.S. I'd so love it if you shared this on social media!
P.P.P.P.S. Thx!
Before you go...
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